Pickup in Vienna

Please note and understand that Fourpegsbmx is a company that is 100% focused on shipping and does not have classic opening hours. With regard to personal collection, we can therefore only make limited appointments. Please contact us, we will definitely find a way! Without an appointment it is not possible to pickup an order, because it has to be prepared in advance (please leave at least a day or two - the goods have to be paid in full before pickup, no cash payment is possible).

There is no brick and mortar shop in Vienna or anywhere else, at Fourpegsbmx everything runs online.

If you prefer personal collection, please select the following option at checkout:
1) Pickup in Vienna
2) Option: ABHOLUNG in 1220 Wien / LOCAL PICKUP in 1220 VIENNA
3) Complete the checkout process and place your order.

After the order comes in we will process it and send you the address/appointment by email (1220 Wien, Bertha von Suttner Gasse, near to U1 Rennbahnweg). Make sure you check your emails please. Thank you!